Travel Policy & Documents
Before any student overnight travel, we provide essential documents for parents and students. These are usually handed out to students or distributed at a parent/guardian meeting before departure. However, to ensure easy access, we also post these documents online.
2024 National FFA Convention in Indianpolis, IN

Thank You
First of all, thank you for allowing the opportunity for your student(s) to travel with the American Falls FFA Chapter. It is our goal for them to develop premier leadership, personal growth, and career success. While we strive for that in the classroom, traveling and experiencing new things is vital to fulfilling the FFA Mission.
Students that are traveling with the Ag Program or the FFA Chapter are expected to follow the Student Code of Conduct set forth by the American Falls High School Student Handbook. We are a nationally-recognized Ag Program and FFA Chapter, therefore, our students are held to the highest of expectations.
Please review the policies below. These policies may change so please review them prior to every trip. Contact an advisor if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns.
Grade Requirement
A student's current academic status will be checked and validated two days prior to a travelling opportunity. Students will be unable to attend if they have anything less than a C- in any course (including online classes). A teacher may provide written consent that a student has completed the necessary work to attain a C- or better, but this must be done within two days of the trip. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Students must complete the third trimester with a C- or above in all their classes in order to attend summer trips, this includes State CDEs in Moscow, officer retreat, SOLR, and district officer training.
All students are expected to travel to and from any event with the transportation provided by the Ag Program or FFA Chapter. Parents/guardians may be able to take students to/from an event with prior approval by the principal and an advisor.
Students are expected to treat a bus driver with the upmost respect. Students will follow any rule set forth by the bus driver, as well as the following:
Throwing away all garbage.
Drinking from a container with a close-able lid (if drinks are permitted).
Not laying across the aisle.
Storing luggage in a safe and appropriate manner.
Listening to personal music with headphones, not a portable speaker (unless permission is received by the bus driver).
Returning to the bus or loading the bus at the proper time, do not make the bus driver wait.
When students are flying with the chapter, they are expected to follow all TSA guidelines. A parent/guardian meeting will take place prior to the trip to discuss further details.
With the exception of a few meals, students are expected to bring money to pay for their own food. Transportation, lodging, and event registration are typically covered by the chapter (review the costs page for more detailed information). A student may pack their own meals or snacks if they wish. There will be opportunities to eat breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner, depending on the length of the trip.
On overnight trips, a packing list will be provided to students. It is recommended to bring all items listed on the packing list, however, use your best judgement given your student's personal situation. Students may carry and administer their own prescription medication, unless requested otherwise by a parent/guardian.
Rooming Policy
When traveling on an overnight trip, students will be housed in a motel or hotel room, unless other lodging is secured. Students will sleep in a room separate from any advisor or adult chaperone (unless the chaperone is blood-related to the student). Students will be divided according to gender.
When traveling in a large group with multiple hotel rooms, we try our best to place the male rooms together and the female rooms together with the advisor/chaperone rooms in the middle. This may not always occur based on hotel availability and size of rooms.
Students of opposite genders may study or practice together in the same room if the door is propped FULLY open and an advisor/chaperone is on the same floor. Students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner while working together. Failure to abide by this rule could result in the following:
Immediate parent/guardian and principal contact.
24/7 supervision by an advisor or chaperone.
Loss of all future overnight travel privileges.
Parent/guardian may have to pick student up or arrange for immediate transportation home at their own expense.
At the end of the stay, students are expected to clean their rooms. This involves throwing away all garbage, packing all belongings, folding used bedding and sheets, and placing all towels in the bathroom.
We are not the only guests in a hotel or motel, therefore students are expected to be on their best behavior. This includes keeping noise volumes at a reasonable level, respecting other guests' requests, following curfew and lights out rules, and treating lodging staff with respect and gratitude.
Students are expected to be in their assigned room by 10 each night. Lights out is at 11, unless otherwise specified. Advisors/chaperones will conduct room checks at 10, 11, and at least one other time throughout the night. Advisors/chaperones will monitor outside student rooms periodically.
Parents/guardians will be provided advisor/chaperone contact information and lodging contact information in case of an emergency. Parents/guardians can be provided the rooming list if requested. All students will receive a copy of the rooming list to ensure other guests are left undisturbed.
Dress Code
Students are expected to abide by the AFHS dress code policy on any travelling trips. The dress code policy is as follows:
Skirt length and shorts must be below fingertips (with the student’s arm extended at their side).
Shirts must cover the chest and back; the neckline and backline cannot fall below the armpit line.
Muscle shirts, tube tops, tank tops, mesh dresses/blouses are not permitted (unless under coverings are worn in conjunction with the dress/shirt).
Any clothing that exposes the midriff is also prohibited.
All undergarments are covered.
Clothing, head coverings, and jewelry displaying words or pictures that represent alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gangs, weapons, vulgarity or a topic that would be inflammatory or offensive is not permitted. Clothing brands that have strong ties to drug use will not be permitted (such as but not limited to SRH, Insane Clown Posse, Cottonmouth Kings, and DGK).
Bandanas and other gang related attire are not permitted.
Students are expected to provide Official FFA Dress when required. If a student is unable to provide Official FFA Dress for any reason, please reach out to one of the advisors here. There are resources available to help out. Here is the dress code when Official FFA Dress is required:
An official FFA jacket zipped to the top.
Black slacks and black socks/nylons or black skirt and black nylons (slacks must be free of holes).
White collared blouse or white collared shirt.
Official FFA tie or official FFA scarf.
Black dress shoes with closed heel and toe.
Check out the costs page to learn more about Official FFA Dress.
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Policy
We have a zero tolerance policy for alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Use of, being in possession of, being under the influence of, or trafficking in illegal drugs, look-alike drugs, vaping products and paraphernalia, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages results in serious consequences, such as:
Immediate parent/guardian and principal contact.
24/7 supervision by an advisor or chaperone.
Loss of all future travel privileges.
Immediate parent/guardian pick up of student or arrange for immediate transportation home at their own expense.
Potentially other necessary action (as deemed necessary by an advisor, chaperone, parent/guardian, principal, and/or superintendent).