Strengthening Agriculture Chair
Strengthening Agriculture Chair, Phil Barela
The duties and responsibilities of the strengthening agriculture chair include:
Work with the committee chairs of all events that fall under the Strengthening Agriculture category in the POA.
Organize and execute the events that fall under the Strengthening Agriculture category in the POA.
Complete the Strengthening Agriculture portion of the National Chapter Award Application.
Grade: Senior
Years in FFA: 4
SAE: Vegetable Garden Entrepreneurship & Environmental Science Agriscience
English Creed Speaking LDE
Environmental & Natural Resources CDE
Land & Soil Evaluation CDE
Rangeland CDE
Favorite Activity: My favorite FFA activity has been donkey basketball.
Favorite FFA Memory: When our hotel in Oklahoma during National Soils got struck by lightning, and me and Franny slept through it.
Biggest Goal as an Officer: Help our chapter qualify for Model of Excellence and win the state ENR CDE.
Awards and Honors:
State FFA Degree
State 2nd Place Environmental & Natural Resources Team
State 3rd Place Rangeland Team
Western National Rangeland 1st Place Team - 4th Place Individual
Chapter FFA Degree
National Land & Soil Evaluation CDE (20th Place Team Landsite - 25th Place Individual)
State 2nd Place Environmental & Natural Resources Team - 2nd High Individual
Greenhand FFA Degree
State 5th Place Environmental & Natural Resources Team