Growing Leaders Chair
Growing Leaders Chair, Shaylee Taylor
The duties and responsibilities of the growing leaders chair include:
Work with the committee chairs of all events that fall under the Growing Leaders category in the POA.
Organize and execute the events that fall under the Growing Leaders category in the POA.
Complete the Growing Leaders portion of the National Chapter Award Application.
Grade: Sophomore
Years in FFA: 2
SAE: Raspberry Production and Floral Shop Assistant
English Creed Speaking LDE
Conduct of Chapter Meetings LDE
Agricultural Communications CDE
Favorite Activity: The Chapter FFA Banquet and National Band
Favorite FFA Memory: Competing in Conduct of Chapter Meetings at State.
Biggest Goal as an Officer: Have many fun bonding activities and become more united as a chapter. Also get more freshman involved.
Awards and Honors:
Outstanding Freshman Award
Greenhand FFA Degree
National FFA Band Member.