Mrs. Shaylyn McGuire
Advisor, Mrs. McGuire
Stationed by the Owl
The duties and responsibilities of the advisor include:
Supervise chapter activities year-round.
Inform prospective students and parents about FFA.
Instruct students in leadership and personal development.
Build school and community support for the program.
Encourage involvement of all chapter members in activities.
Prepare students for involvement in career development events and leadership programs.
Began Teaching: 2024
College: I graduated from The University of Idaho in the Spring of 2024 with a Bachelors Degree in Agricultural Education. I completed my student teaching experience at AFHS, and I am so grateful to be here!
FFA Experience: I was an active member of the Jerome FFA Chapter while in high school. I competed in the Veterinary Science CDE and Parliamentary Procedure LDE, served as Chapter President, and successfully completed dairy heifer projects throughout high school.
Favorite Quote: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go."
— Dr. Seuss
Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite FFA memories come from the road trips to different events with my advisors and teammates! Whether we were on a field trip, going to compete, or just running to Dutch Bros, we were always laughing, telling stories, and singing along to cheesy 2000s songs!
Favorite CDE or LDE: Veterinary Science CDE and Parliamentary Procedure LDE